Thoughts on Pigs and People - Dr. Larry Coleman

production and management Sep 18, 2019

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Today’s episode will cover Thoughts on Pigs and People.

“Everyone wants to hire more people but it is actually the backdoor that is the problem because people are leaving about as fast as you can hire them. If  you can ever get the backdoor fixed, the front door is not a big of an issue.” – Dr. Larry Coleman.

Our guest is Dr. Larry Coleman, another bright mind of the Global Swine Industry. Dr. Coleman obtained his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Missouri in 1980. Following graduation, he accepted a position at a mixed food-animal practice in Broken Bow, Nebraska. In 1986, Coleman left Broken Bow to spend a year at the North Carolina State University working with swine integrators in that state. He returned to Broken Bow in 1987 and opened his own food-animal practice, where he remains to this day. Coleman's personal veterinary medicine passion is the "art and science" of getting employees to emotionally engage when they are taking care of animals. Coleman joined AASV in 1984 and has served on various AASV committees since that time.

What you will learn:

How he got involved in pig production and the development of his career; His biggest lessons on pig production; The key to great pig health; Key aspects to create a powerful culture in the production system; Tactics that could be implemented today to improve the culture in farms; What separates successful swine professionals from those that are not.

Larry’s favorite swine-related resource: YouTube and podcasts
Larry’s favorite resource unrelated to swine: history books

This episode was published by Lauro Faccin & Laihane Almeida.