This SHIP can take us places โ›ต

swine o'clock Sep 29, 2022

A delegation of producers, veterinarians, swine health officials, and state pork association officials met at the US Swine Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) meeting in Minnesota. Their goal was to pass resolutions and standards in order to become a full USDA program designed to safeguard, certify, and improve animal health.           

  • The resolutions that were approved for further assessment and consideration were related to traceability, feed biosafety, live haul sanitation, surveillance, feral pig risk mitigation, and governance
  • Working groups and/or pilot projects are set to begin in the next year for all areas, and findings and recommendations are expected at the 2023 meeting.

The collective effort is vital because the industry needs to do everything it can to prepare against foreign animal diseases (FADs), and the program is well equipped to help achieve this goal. 

To date, approximately 40% of the US breeding herds and growing pigs across 31 states have enrolled in US SHIP, and producers who haven’t yet become a part of it are urged to contact their official state agency and enroll (or maybe we should say “come aboard this SHIP!”).