SNBB 33 - Sustainable swine feeding programs - an environmental perspective by Dr. Edward Yang

swine nutrition blackbelt Sep 22, 2022

Most evaluations of swine feeding programs focus on the economic impacts each program has. However, to achieve sustainable pork production, we can’t forget to pay attention to the environmental impacts the feeding program has as well. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Edward Yang about his study testing four different feeding programs and evaluating their impact on productivity, nutrient efficiency, and various environmental parameters. 


Meet the guest: Dr. Zhaohui “Edward” Yang recently graduated from the University of Minnesota with a major in Animal Science and a minor in Business Management. He received his B.S. from the The University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2016 and his M.S. from the University of Minnesota in 2018. His Ph.D. dissertation focused on research that will facilitate improvements in precision swine nutrition and environmental sustainability in global pork production systems. Edward was a recipient of the Young Scholar Award at the 2022 American Society of Animal Science Midwest Meeting. In addition, he is actively bridging the connections between U.S. and China feed and pork industries. Edward recently joined Nutribins, LLC as the Business Development Manager.