"Not all those who wander are lost" โ€“ Tolkien, J. R. R. ๐Ÿงณ

swine o'clock Apr 15, 2023

๐Ÿ— When introduced into a new area, wild pigs will roam – a lot! A new study by the University of Georgia (UGA), which followed the movements of relocated feral hogs over several months, has found that the animals move after relocation, initially in a somewhat one-directional way as if trying to find home. Once unable to reach their place of origin, they head back to their dropping point. Also, those pigs didn't roam alone – as a matter of fact, they seemed hell-bent on being part of a social group, either by joining an already existing one or by creating a new one themselves.

     • Despite being prohibited, relocating pigs still happens and is one of the main factors contributing to the recent explosion of their numbers across the US. Read more about the study here.