Just a little more sweeping

swine o'clock Nov 29, 2022

You know when the house is almost clean, but you still need to sweep the bedrooms? Well, that’s (kinda) the situation in Canada regarding the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) outbreak in Manitoba.

    •  PED can affect all pigs and is often fatal to newborns under 7-10 days of age,  but it doesn't affect humans and isn't a food safety issue. 

According to the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network, the outbreak – ongoing in the province since the fall of 2021, is still dragging out (that’s not the good news), but the cleanup process is progressing very well (now that’s the good news). 

     •  For a little more than a year, there have been over 120 cases reported, but now more than half of the infected premises have been cleaned up.