Food (pork or worm?) for thought 🥩🪱

swine o'clock Mar 07, 2023

🐷🦗 We’re going out on a limb here and assuming that if given the choice, you’d rather eat pork loin than cricket filet. Is that correct? While this may seem an unlikely dilemma, that’s been – sorta – under debate in Poland: voters were given food for thought last week, but not of the delicious kind. Ahead of the elections, politicians from the two main parties accused each other of plotting to force meat-loving citizens into eating worms instead *evil laughter*

     • The supposed plan to limit the consumption of meat and replace it with insects has been criticized as a mouthpiece for government propaganda.

🇵🇱 The (strange) claims come after the C40 Cities initiative, which recommends measures such as eating less meat and using fewer cars to combat climate change. However, officials say this doesn’t mean pushing people into any eccentric practices. Read more about it here while holding tight to your bacon.