Finding your footing ๐Ÿฅพ

swine o'clock Dec 06, 2022

๐Ÿ”๏ธ Ever went hiking or mountaineering? The first thing you learn is that finding the right footing is key. If you don’t mind your steps, hitting the ground is unavoidable – and making it to the end of a track or reaching the top of a mountain is impossible. And so you’ve got to have all the necessary skills and all the best equipment… 

     •  Sounds familiar? In the swine industry, it works exactly the same way. 

๐Ÿ… When trying to climb the mountain of difficulties we find on our farms and reach the best production results on the peak, we need all the best hiking boots we can find  before we even set out on our path. And that’s the business, there’s no match to LifeStart Swine, by Trouw Nutrition.

     •  LifeStart Swine builds on reliable knowledge and research evidence to help you take the right steps from the very start of the track and move you towards healthier, stronger piglets, and increased profitability. A healthy early life and good nutrition provides piglets with some lasting advantages, such as improved resilience, that translate into lifelong performance and an ability to overcome future roadblocks.

๐Ÿท With trustworthy, vetted information, producers get the sure footing they need to forge new paths and keep advancing towards improved piglet nutrition and health. With LifeStart Swine, you can be confident and your footing can be sure. Check out more details about it here.