Fighting the bad guys ๐Ÿฆธ๐Ÿฆน

swine o'clock Jun 09, 2023

๐Ÿฆ  One of the greatest enemies of the swine industry today are pathogens: they result in loss of productivity, mortality, and major setbacks in our production. So is there a way to effectively control pathogens, effortlessly stimulate intestinal health, and greatly support natural body defenses to fight back against the villains? Actually, there are of two:

  • FRA® Butyrin Hybrid, by Adisseo, contributes to better intestinal health and promotes a  strong intestinal barrier – it boosts the intestinal barrier function as well as stimulates villi development, both of which improve nutrient absorption, and has a direct antibacterial  effect  against most Gram-negative bacteria. 
  • FRA®  C12, by Adisseo, improves  natural  body  defense  systems  by  increasing  antibody  titer  values as well as leading to a more active immune  system – it’s  active  against  several Gram-positive bacteria (such as Streptococcus suis) and fat-enveloped viruses (such as PRRSV), and alleviates inflammation too. 

๐Ÿ”Ž To learn more about those two heroes, click here!