Do NOT panic!! ๐Ÿ–๏ธ

swine o'clock Apr 13, 2023

๐Ÿท๐Ÿคฏ As producers bite off their nails bracing for the next disaster in the swine industry and wondering when it’s coming, we can be certain of one thing: we can always count on volatility to turn our lives upside down, for better or worse.

     • A quick look back at history will show how the pork industry has been on the brink of financial failure more than once. At present, even though sow numbers show a slight increase in the herd over last year, numbers are still lower than in 2018, and high grain markets have driven up inventory costs as well as incurred capital losses for operations. 

๐Ÿ’ก So for now, two things are important… The first one is to create working capital for your business before you need it. The second one is not to panic! After all, better safe than sorry – meaning it’s time to prepare yourself to take advantage of whatever opportunities (and problems) may come. For more content like this, click here.