54 - Patrick Badger: Enhancing swine feed efficiency through pellet quality

swine nutrition blackbelt Feb 23, 2023

Pellet quality is an important factor for swine nutrition. That is because with high-quality pellets, pigs receive a balanced amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that stimulates a healthy growth. Also, good pellets can improve feed efficiency and reduce waste. For those reasons, research on pellet quality and ways to improve it is crucial for the success of swine nutrition and production. In this episode, Patrick Badger discusses some trials he conducted on pellet efficiency and quality, along with the effects of these aspects on grow-finishing pigs.


Meet the guest

Patrick Badger


      โ—‹ Current: Master’s student, Feed Science (Kansas State University).

      โ—‹ Past: Animal research technician at Zoetis; swine production intern at New Fashion Pork; feed production intern at Belstra Milling Company; undergraduate research assistant at Purdue University.


      โ—‹ B.Sc., Animal Sciences (Purdue University)

Hobbies: I enjoy working with showpigs, golfing, hunting, and fishing.

Favorite book, movie or TV series: Book: The Great Gatsby, movie: The Cowboys, TV Series: Band of Brothers.

Favorite quote: "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyways." – John Wayne

A tip for success: A bad experience is not a bad lesson as long as you learn from it.

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