$297.00 USD

Critical Thinking in Swine Research

Here, you will find tips that you didn’t even know were possible. How much is your time worth? Can you save money while improving your performance? Here, you will learn about the piggy bank concept; the 7 most important rules of thumb – and the top 6 mistakes – of swine nutrition; how to spot low-quality research, stay up to date and digest as many papers as you need; and much more!


Dr. Marcio Goncalves

+ Dr. Marcio Goncalves is a veterinarian converted swine nutritionist, podcaster, applied research strategy advisor, entrepreneur, and investor with 15 years of experience with exposure to over 20 countries and +120 trials in pig production/nutrition who wants to create a positive impact in the world through knowledge dissemination in the global swine industry.